"Guiding your skills abilities insight to maritime excellence"
Donsö Maritime Training Centre carries out a wide range of STCW, Management and Simulator training. DMTC course portfolio include courses such as MRM, BRM, BTM, ERM, ERS (Engine Room Simulator Training), ECDIS, IGF and Shiphandling in three levels – Basic, Advanced and ICE navigation.
More courses will be added over time – if you don’t find them below, please email us and you will receive more information.
The simulator at Donsö is of the very latest model with a full mission bridge, cargo and engine room simulator, virtual engine room, VR bridge wing simulation with fantastic possibilities for high-end shiphandling courses and six workstations for common or independent training.
We are also offering accommodation including breakfast, lunch and dinner in conjunction to the courses.
Human Element Training
Tanker Training
Safety and Security Training
Company Specific Training
Shiphandling and ECDIS
Events & Conferences
ICE Navigation Training
IGF Code (LNG & Methanol)
Info about Accommodation
Donsö Maritime Training Centre
+46 (0) 708 138 404 | info@dmtc.se
Send us a message
Donsö Maritime Training Centre AB | Korsholmebacke 1 | SE-430 82 Donsö Sweden
About DMTC
Donsö Maritime Training Centre AB is registered in Sweden, No. 559432-3239.